Installing BepInEx



Games built with IL2CPP are not supported at the moment. However, support for it is planned as the tooling has gotten better thanks to projects like Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower.

Where to download BepInEx

BepInEx is distributed in two builds: stable and bleeding edge.

Stable builds are available on GitHub.
Stable builds are released once a new iteration of BepInEx is considered feature-complete.
They have the least bugs, but some newest features might not be available.
It is recommended to use stable builds in most cases.

Bleeding edge builds are available on BepisBuilds. Bleeding edge builds are always the latest builds of the source code. Thus they are the opposite to stable builds: they have the newest features and bugfixes available, but usually tend to be the most buggy.
Therefore you should use bleeding edge builds only if you are asked to or if you want to preview the upcoming version of BepInEx.

Installing BepInEx

Currently, BepInEx can be installed manually.

  1. Download the correct version of BepInEx.

    Download BepInEx from one of the available sources.
    Pick a version depending on your OS:

    Download one of the following versions:

    • x86 for games with 32-bit executables
    • x64 for games with 64-bit executables
  2. Extract the contents into the game root.

    After you have downloaded the correct game version, extact the contents of the archive into the game folder.

    The game root folder is where the game executable is located.

  3. Do a first run to generate configuration files

    Simply run the game executable. This should generate BepInEx configuration file into BepInEx/config folder and an initial log file BepInEx/LogOutput.txt.

  4. Configure BepInEx to suit your needs.

    Open BepInEx/config/BepInEx.cfg in a text editor of your choice. All options are documented directly in the configuration file.

    Additionally, refer to refer to the configuration guide for more information.

Further steps and troubleshooting

Some games require some additional changes in order to work around specific limitations of different Unity versions.

Please refer to the troubleshooting section for more information about additional installation steps.