Hardpatching with BepInEx.Patcher
The hardpatcher permanently edits the game assembly to inject BepInEx into it.
Use it only if the normal installation methods don't work!
Differences between proxy and hardpatcher
The hardpatcher provides mainly the following benefits:
- Works on any system with any security settings
- Works when normal proxy entrypoint doesn't
Meanwhile hardpatcher comes with these downsides
- You'll have to reapply it on game update or reinstall
- Uninstalling requires removing and reinstalling game files
- Preloader patching is not available
Installing hardpatch
- Download the latest hardpatcher and BepInEx core from BepisBuilds
- The hardpatcher archive name starts with
- The core archive name starts with
- The hardpatcher archive name starts with
- Extract the core and patcher into the game folder
- Remove unnecessary core files
- Run the hardpatcher and wait until it finishes running
- Run the game