BepInEx API documentation
This page contains documentation for BepInEx API.
Structure of BepInEx
BepInEx is divided into subassemblies that provide game-specific support.
Main assemblies are:
-- contains common utilities of BepInEx namespace and base classes for engine-specific loadersBepInEx.Unity.dll
-- contains @BepInEx.Unity namespace responsible for Mono Unity supportBepInEx.IL2CPP.dll
-- contains @BepInEx.IL2CPP namespace responsible for Il2Cpp Unity supportBepInEx.NetLauncher.exe
-- contains @BepInEx.NetLauncher namespace and code responsible for .NET Framework modding support
Support assembly structure
Each assembly exports at least two classes
- A class that every plugin must inherit to be counted as a plugin (e.g. @BepInEx.BaseUnityPlugin for Mono or @BepInEx.IL2CPP.BasePlugin for Il2Cpp)
- An implementation of BaseChainloader<TPlugin> that is responsible for loading the plugins
Additionally, there are some general useful classes and namespaces:
- BepInPlugin, BepInDependency and BepInProcess attributes -- used to specify necessary metadata about each plugin class.
- BepInEx.Configuration -- access to configuration.
- Paths -- all standard file and directory locations BepInEx and plugins rely on.
- BepInEx.Logging -- classes used for logging